A Wedding, is a moment that unity you and your fiancé become one family. The best wedding planning become more essential when Everyone wanted to be special in this reception, and everyone wanted a perfect wedding that their dream of. So, sometime, it may confuse and make you frustrate in preparing the wedding. Please don’t get stress, because I will tell you some important wedding planning information and it can save your money. Of course, you can do it by your own with helping and support from your fiancé, both of family and friends too. Yes, you can plan your wedding enjoyable and a lot of fun with them. Ok, I will tell you some of wedding guidance that could help your wedding plan. First, you have to decide the budget.
Budget, is the most important things you have to decide. Beginning from this, you can decide another step to move on. Small, medium or large budget, it depends on you. You want to plan a simple wedding or a bigger wedding party. You need to decide, what is your priority, after that, next step would be easy to decide. A big wedding party need a lot of budget to spend. After decide this, we can move on the location.
You must be wanted the best location, right? It’s ok. But, You must think about your wedding day first. Is it on public holiday or regular weekend? Because, you must book the place from 6 month before or maybe from 1 year before for the favorite place. Like at the Hotel, usually they use the room not only for the party, but also for the meeting from the company or organization. You can make a list about the location that you want it. And then, go to the location, see and check it by your self. It’s fun, right? Budget, location, already done. And now you should think about the wedding dress for your next wedding planning step.
It’s important to choose the wedding dress. Especially, wedding dress which fit in you and your fiancé. Year by year gone, and style change year by year. You can browse from the internet which dress you and your fiancé want, collect them. It’s depending from you and your fiancé body shape and also the location for the wedding day. If you want it a simple wedding party at the beach, so you must choose a simple wedding dress. The important thing is, you and your fiancé must fit in the wedding dress. Choose which is comfortable and suitable for both of you.
What about the wedding ring? Yes, this is important too. So you can put it in your wedding planning list. You can read some articles about the wedding ring symbolize. You can find it in the internet. You can also look for what kind a wedding ring that you and your fiancé want. There are a lot of style and beauty shape now a days. A diamond ring, which is everyone looking for. You need a guidance to choose a diamond ring. There are a lot of type of diamond, so, be careful where you want to buy it. You must buy in the well-known store that specialized in selling diamond. Because, they have expert to prove it to you by the test and give you the certification.
Finally, you have to choose a photographer for your wedding documentation and recording. Of course, after all the things of the wedding, some photo and video recorder still stay with you forever for your unforgettable moment. You can choose an expert one in wedding photography. And you need to see their shooting and result for this. One more thing you should ask them about what kind of equipment they used. Because, the equipment they used will affect the quality of picture and sound. If you want to display your wedding photo at the wedding reception, you need to make an exclusive photo. The outdoor photo is become popular now a day. Ok, that’s all some important information I want to share only for you. May all those information can help you in planning a wedding without any confuse and frustration. I wish you have the best wedding party and I wish all the best for you & your fiancé in the future. See you soon in my next new article. Bye